InvGate Assets Client 5.001

InvGate Assets Client 5.001

A set of intelligent solutions that will guarantee control over infrastructure
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5.001.65 See all
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InvGate Assets has become a vital need for companies given the current market conditions. Nowadays, IT infrastructure reveals (and to a great extent, determines) the success and efficiency of a company, which results in constant IT investment growth. This compels IT managers to continuously asess the way to reduce TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) and maximize ROI (Return of Investment). InvGate Assets makes all the difference. In a single all-in-one tool, it gathers a wide variety of functionalities: centralized IT asset management, CMDB, change control, e-mail alerts, license management, financial information, depreciation estimation, warranty management, workstation groups administration, software lists management, etc.
This integrated all-in-one functionality toolset means a distinctive advantage over our competitors. At InvGate we develop intelligent software that makes investment on other tools dispensable.



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